Courses › Differential and Integral Calculus I


This course will provide you with the basic concepts and tools necessary to model real-world quantities and study how they change. You will learn basic techniques for computing rates of change and how these techniques can be applied to real-world situations. Such applications include predicting the impact a change in tax rates will have on product prices, determining the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions individuals must make for a growing country to meet its national targets, and finding the best production schedule to minimize inventory and production costs. The understanding you will develop in the mathematics of change can be applied to whatever you study in the social sciences, and through the skills you will acquire in this course, you will be able to better understand various human phenomena.


Prerequisites: Math 526 or 536 or 201-015-FD, or equivalent, or TS5 (064 506) or SN5 (065 506) or Sec. V Mathematics Technical & Scientific Option (564506)

Recommended: None

Hours: 75h

Ponderation: 3-2-3

Credits: 2.66

Assignments: 4

022S : To apply concepts related to Social Science disciplines to the understanding of the human phenomena in concrete situations
022X : To apply methods of differential calculus to the study of functional models in the field of Social Science


75 - Multimedia (English version)

Particularities and material requirements

Computer requirements:


Online assignments


Program rate
Tuition: $150.00
Materials: $175.00
Total: $325.00

Non-program rate
Tuition: $450.00
Materials: $175.00
Total: $625.00